Saturday, November 17, 2012

Super Storm Sandy New Jersey

We got hit by Sandy and almost got crushed.

My halloween decorations at my doorway Oct 25
I've been a little overwhelmed lately so haven't had a chance to update this blog.  Also all my electronics are scattered between the house and temp housing so it is difficult to find everything you need. Below are pics of the damage.

I was really getting in to decorations this year.

Apparently 3 things (plus Gods will) saved me that day.  The branches of the huge 60+ year old tree hit the top roof and stopped the tree from crushing me and the living room as I was sitting on my couch having a glass of wine and reading a book via candle light.  A steel beam in the bow window held the huge tree and only got a dent in it (unusable but saved my life) otherwise I would have been crushed by the wind and the tree. The deck may have prevented the roots from completely detaching and blowing in to the house causing further damage.
Another tree that fell towards the road was the one near the ghost

Some folk have told me I should have been in the basement, a few things prevented this from happening, one is that we don't have a finished basement and the one we have is a partial and prone to flooding.  We have a split level and the garage level also has windows, we love trees and large windows which is one reason why we bought the house, but we had no idea this could happen.  We've been in the house for 8 years and have never experienced anything like this before.  We spent 2 days worth of a full tree crew service last sumer to cut pines and prune our trees so we thought we would be ok.

We have lots of windows and trees near the living areas and the lower level.  Basement isn't finished and prone to flooding.

One thing to note about storm, the debris fell at the back of my head first but then the roof fell on the top of my head, it was hard for me to work out which way to get out of this mess as the wind blew for a few seconds all around me.  I called out and Mike came from down the stairs and saw which way way to get me out.

As soon as I called out the kids started screaming then we had to calm them down before tending to my head and checking which way to go for safety.

Police came within seconds, EMT a little longer as trees started falling all over the roads everywhere.
Branches leaning on top roof prevented tree from falling further in to the house.

Steel beam in window prevented the tree from further crashing

Deck held roots slightly to prevent tree being uprooted more and falling more in to house

Follow building codes people, they are there for a reason

Insurance won't cover all yard cleanup.
Doctor in the house?  You might not be able to get to the hospital in such an emergency.
My boys usually go to bed after 9pm.
I had to go to the hospital the next day as the trees and hurricane blocked the EMTs from driving anywhere.  Luckily I wasn't bleeding and was conscious.

My boys were bored and Mike was reading to them in bed at 8pm
I got checked out at the hospital the next day and I got a minor concussion.  But the ER was packed, people were waiting for ages (doctors couldn't get in to the ER).

My boys would have been sitting on this couch usually at that time
I heard kids screaming in the ER - the sound it is almost unbearable. I can't imagine dealing with my kids screaming in an ER.

I got hit by debris flying at me at 60mph +, only a minor concussion so far.
I was sitting on the couch when the tree crashed through the room and landed next to me on the otherside of the couch.  The rest of the family had just gone upstairs 15 minutes earlier.

We weren't meant to find a generator otherwise we would all be in the living room
We were looking for a generator desperately one week prior. We found an outrageously overpriced tiny one that Mike decided to not get, otherwise we would all be sitting on the couch watching tv.

I can't imagine having my kids experience anything like this.
I would do it all again the same way to prevent kids from being in that room.
Especially after I heard kids screaming in the ER.

I get the chills thinking my boys could have experienced this disaster in the living room.
We appear to be on the highest point in our neighborhood and must have experienced full force of 60+mph winds.  Lower properties might have experienced less wind, or broken wind (ok doesn't sound right).

I will post more updates as I get more time. I appreciate all your time reading this and thinking of me and my family.

Thanks for reading.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Hurricane Sandy disaster in New Jersey

We got hit, that is why I haven't updated this blog.  But more importantly I was almost killed instantly and the family escaped and I only have minor concussion.  We were so prepared for the Hurricane but never imagined this.  Before and after pics here. More updates soon.


I was sitting on this couch in one corner (near the glass of wine) and the tree landed in the other corner of the couch.  Normally I would sit in the other corner but the candles were closer to the other side.
Before pic, we were so prepared.  Reading by candlelight.
We were desperately trying to find a generator a week before the storm and all stocks were gone, so we prepared as best as we could and weathered it.  We cleaned up all loose items outside, got canned foods ready and so on.
We read to the kids, later they were bored and went upstairs early.
If we had found a generator we would have had entertainment and all would be sitting on the couches.  My kids almost never go to bed before 9.

They read by flashlight and turned in extra early, luckily.
I can't imagine dealing with the situation of kids getting hurt.

8:23 pic, after the disaster, police were here and I took this pic
I got hit in the head by debris flying around the room at hurricane speeds.  I got a minor concussion and my head hurt for weeks. I didn't get hit by the tree, or I wouldn't have survived.

Another pic, must have happened 8:15 ish, I was on the couch.

If the tree hadn't stopped at the upper levels then I would have been crushed by the building and debris.

A gift T-shirt for your #hearts #heart #love #bff #valentine #cute#girl rl #romance , what will YOU get in return? #wedding

Monday, October 22, 2012

Brite nites in Warren, NJ.

We've been busy with the fall activities lately.  One of our favorites is the Brite Nites Halloween display and Scary house.  Over 1,000 carved and lighted pumpkins! A Haunted House showcase that will spook you to your bones. Treats and refreshments in the Black Hat Café. Entertainment to get you in the Spirit of Halloween. Only for 2 weekends end of October.  We made it this year and we LOVED it. 

Wagner Farm Arboretum’s Brite Nites Event appeals to all ages.All proceeds from Brite Nites will be used to maintain the Arboretum and expand educational programs related to gardening and preserving nature. 

Get tickets in advance from

Below are our favorite pictures from the nite.

Hundreds more displays, you MUST check it out at least once.  I didn't take photos in the haunted house but it was equally fabulous.


Friday, October 12, 2012

Job description:Mom

I read a funny article in parents recently that made me laugh and think. Moms dont give themselves enough credit and minimize their role. However Moms have some amazing skills, think about it, after all who has the below skills.

I couldn't resist showing it here, credit to Parents Nov 2012, Sarah Schmelling.

Have a good weekend!


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Bringing up bêbe - part 2

I see you all agree with me on part 1 of this Book Review… I got no comments, so I assume you must all agree with French child rearing? How wonderful for US/French relations and for the author Pamela Druckerman! Are the French right again? Or perhaps people are content with their styles and not bothering with the latest parenting fad?   Either way, I found it an interesting read and worth considering, at the very least.

No mother is perfect. We logically know this is true, but do we really follow this principal? Of course not we hope this is true and acceptable, but just in case, we go the extra mile. If we burn out, then perhaps we will be sainted? The French are more realistic, assume they won't achieve sainthood, and try not to burn themselves out. After all, there are no perfect Moms.

Parenting involves a framework.  There is a framework called “cadre” that is central to French parenting philosophy. The French enforce a few important rules strictly and ignore the rest (the “naughty” things).

Another concept is that the child inherently will do dumb/naughty things (bêtises) throughout their childhood, which are therefore accepted and ignored. This is most likely why the French are rarely heard yelling at their kids. Americans often assume the kid’s naughtiness is a factor of how well they have taught them, assuming again that kids are blank slates and we imbed everything in them. Therefore, if a kid does something naughty, then perhaps we weren't clear about the rules with them?

Kids are people too, and they speak to them as if they understand from newborns.  Hence, they are expected to say Hello, Goodbye, Please and Thank you to all other people they meet on all occasions (not babies of course, but starting from when they can speak).  Even if they are shy, they must say these things, and to people young or old. American kids may or may not, depending on their mood, which does not enamor them to people (French folk in particular, I guess).  I used to force my kids to do this but my US hubby doesn’t feel pressured to do this, so it fell by the wayside in our house [not true].

Kids are expected to reject a food a dozen times or so, and parents will keep serving a dish a couple dozen times until the child gets used to a taste.  Also, during meals kids aren’t given any snacks or dessert (only during afternoon snack), so a child is encouraged to taste everything.  Parents will also not serve mono diets (diets of only a couple of dishes or ingredients) and will mix diets so much that some foods are served only once a year.  Also, kids often eat separately from the parents. Parents will also feed their children in courses, giving veggies first to take advantage of when they are starving. Parents will cook snacks (gouters) together with the kids, so kids get used to respecting ingredients and foods as well as get used to cooking.

Parents do not accompany kids to play dates or birthdays.  I kind of like this rule.  You get some ‘me’ time during the play date and learn to let go of any parental anxieties of kid’s behavior.  Also it is cheaper for birthday parties (US parties often cost $200-400 per party and include costs for parents). This is a part of fostering independence in the child but is also somewhat in a monitored situation till they are adults.

They also live more for the moment, enjoying the finer but simpler things in life that surely is ‘French’. They will do things like sign their kids up for sleep away camps from 5 yrs old. Americans won't do this until the kids are in middle school or above.  They will encourage independence from a young age and assume the child will have his own life and privacy.  This allows for more ‘Adult time’.  Adult time seems to occur every day in the evening.  The kids are put in their rooms (not necessarily to sleep) and the parents are left alone.  Kids can do what they want but should be sleeping; otherwise they will be tired the next day.  Parents don’t enforce this, as the child will learn this.  (I wish my kids and husband will learn this J).

As a last resort French parents fall on the adage of “it’s me who decides”. Kids get a lot of freedom and are allowed bêtises, but the parent decides at the end of the day any issue (usually within a cadre). In particular, the French cadre includes things about kid’s appearance, kid’s meals, respecting others and so on.  Americans parents get so involved that they almost live their kid’s lives. The French will parent according to the cadre and they will let the kid live his life. I.e., don't interfere in the child’s experiences and try to save them from life experiences and growth.

Again I am not sure I agree with all of the points in this book, but it is interesting to compare the parenting cultures and read someone who studied what the differences might be. I think there is much more to parenting differences than just those in this book, but it is a starting point.


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